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It’s a new day for this blog and long overdue!  This month (August, 2015) I finally stumbled onto a process that allows users to sign up for any new posts to my blog.  It’s been a long, frustrating experience but now the process has been unscientifically tested and it appears to be working.  So if you want to receive notification by email that I’ve posted a new blog simply place your email address in the box at the bottom of the screen.  I thought that the box only appeared on the Welcome screen but it appears it might also be at the end of each of the blog post screens.

And the two birds pictured above?  The first is a Pelagic cormorant which earlier this season had a distinctive white patch on each side of its rump just behind its wings.  It’s now in its non-breeding plumage and we won’t see the white patch until next year.

The second bird is a Double-crested cormorant, distinctive due to the yellow on its head.

Happy birding!