Another Day in the Hood

Monday, August 17 offered another day for birding.  I spent a couple of hours at the previously mentioned wetland photographing… what else but American goldfinches.  I’ve really gotten rather tired of photographing them, but as I’ve said previously, there’s always something to learn.  Neither the goldfinches nor the thistles will be with us that much longer, so I continue to take photographs.  Besides… the goldfinches offer a good way to fill in the time between sightings of other rarer birds.

Goldfinches, American - on thistles 20150817-02 Goldfinches, American - on thistles 20150817-28 Goldfinches, American - on thistles 20150817-32

While monitoring the wetland I also saw a female Black-headed grosbeak, an Olive-sided flycatcher, a Pacific Slope flycatcher and at least four female/juvenile Western tanagers, one or more of which is pictured below.

Tanager, Western 20150817-12 Tanager, Western 20150817-09

I rounded out the day by performing a little skeet shooting on a headland of Fidalgo Bay… and considering my luck, am determined to return for a little more.

Cormorant, Pelagic 20150817-03

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