Birding in Yard Snow

It appears like we have about a 5-6″ accumulation of snow as of mid-afternoon February 12, 2019.  It continued lightly snowing until sometime after noon, but this finally degenerated into very light drizzle by mid-afternoon.  I tried my hand at a little yard birding around noon.  I was hoping for something unusual, but the yard birds were overwhelmingly Dark-eyed juncos (Oregon) although our Slate-colored junco was in attendance in the afternoon.

A few of our other visitors…

Our first noteworthy visitor was an Eurasian Collared dove, the first in several months after a Peregrine falcon cleaned out a group of about 5-6 visitors early last fall.

We probably have 5-6 Anna’s hummingbirds around the yard.  This female has apparently taken over the front yard from a very aggressive male who as recently as a month ago claimed the front yard and its feeder.

Here is a female member of a covey of California quail that have been visiting the yard this winter.  This is the first winter the quail have visited the yard in the eleven years we’ve lived at this location

Finally, we have a few Golden-crowned sparrows in the yard each winter.  This is one of this year’s males.