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This blog returns home to Anacortes!  I had next planned to catch up on some of the birds I’ve photographed since my April trip to Texas, but I had such a good day Saturday, June 7, that I decided to post some of the photos taken in the yard that day.

First up… a Black-capped chickadee followed by a Chestnut-backed chickadee.  For those that don’t know the difference, this is an ideal time to learn!  In general, as I’ve said before, the former generally prefers a deciduous habitat and the latter a conifer habitat.

An American goldfinch.  This bird lacks the black cap of the male but it’s wings are so dark I hesitate to call it a female.  My guess is that it is a juvenile male.

A female Rufous hummingbird,,, I thought all of the males had already left for migration but sighted a male in the yard last week.

A White-crowned sparrow

A pair of Downy woodpeckers raised a family somewhere in the area and I think, based on the faded color of the bird’s cap, that this is a juvenile male.  These birds were not photographed at the same time so I’m unsure whether this is the same bird or two different ones.

And finally, our visitor of the week.  We had a pair of Cedar waxwings fly into a madrone tree in the yard and I just had time for about five quick photos before they left the yard without investigating the watercourse.