January Update

Due to a number of factors (holiday activities, broken bone in foot, weather, lack of unusual  birds in the yard, etc.) I haven’t taken many photos and have been somewhat remiss in posting to my blog.  Since I have 2-3 years of postings on the blog, if you are desperate for photos you can go back and review the photos from the past!

I participated in the 2015 Christmas Bird Count on January 2 (2016) and among the usual visitors saw a male Varied thrush (our first sighting in several weeks) and two Slate-colored Dark-eyed juncos (we can usually only muster a single one at any one time).

The photos appearing below were taken in our yard on December 1.  It was an unusual day… while I usually retain about 60% of the photos I take (far too many), I tossed about 70% of the photos I took on this particular day.

These photos are all of kinglets, this first one a male Ruby-crowned kinglet

The following photos are of Golden-crowned kinglets.  The males have a ruby stripe through the middle of their gold crown.  Since the males are capable of hiding the ruby stripe, the apparent lack of a stripe cannot be taken as a positive female identification.  However, the males of both species usually reveal the ruby stripe while bathing.  .

DSC_4063 DSC_4060 DSC_4057 DSC_4038A female Northern flicker


And finally, a Chestnut-backed chickadee searching for a hiding location for a sunflower seed.
