Bosque del Apache NWR – New Mexico

Earlier in November I took a birding trip to the Bosque del Apache NWR which is located about an hour and a half south of Albuquerque, NM.  It’s one of my favorite birding areas and at this time of year features thousands of Snow geese and Sandhill cranes along with many other birds.  I was a little disappointed in the photographic opportunities this year but I really shouldn’t complain.

We saw at least seven or eight Greater roadrunners in the refuge…

Roadrunner, Greater 20151111-07 Roadrunner, Greater 20151111-08

The last stretch of road into the preserve travels through farmland with lots of meadowlarks both on the ground and on the fences.

Meadowlark 20151111-07

I managed to catch this American kestrel at just the moment before it flew.

Kestrel, American 20151111-09

I believe that we saw this same American kestrel on the same fencepost on all three days we visited the preserve.

Kestrel, American 20151111-02


Sandhill cranes returning to spend the night in farm fields.  Many of the farm fields on the refuge are flooded, and the waterfowl and shorebirds spend the night in the water because the water provides early warning of coyotes and other predators that might compromise their safety during the night.

Crane, Sandhill 20151111-15