Fall Yard Birds

I’ve been spending substantial time lately catching up on photo processing.  I’ve had a bounty of photographic opportunities in the yard over the past couple of weeks and I’ve gotten substantially behind on processing the photos.

There photos are ones I took on 9/12/2015.  There are no unusual birds here but I did get what I consider nice photos.

Red-breasted nuthatch

Nuthatch, Red-breasted 20150912-13 Nuthatch, Red-breasted 20150912-05

Male and female Anna’s hummingbirds

Hummingbird, Anna's 20150912-01 Hummingbird, Anna's 20150912-03

A Chestnut-backed chickadee.  For whatever reason I usually have difficulty getting these birds into good focus.

Chickadee, Chestnut-backed 20150912-03

A post-bath Song sparrow….


And finally, an unidentified raptor that flew overhead while I was monitoring the yard for activity.  I’ll have to ask for some help with the id since I can’t find a raptor that meets all of the characteristics that this one seems to possess.  I’ll try to update the site once I get confirmation of the species.

Falcon, Peregrine 20150912-01