PC to Mac Conversion

I’m in the middle of a process to convert from a PC environment to an Apple environment. I’m actively using a new iMac and iPad but I have yet to convert my photos and Adobe Lightroom software to the new hardware.  And to make matters somewhat worse, the weather hasn’t  been conducive to photography.  Therefore, it’s been awhile since I last posted to this site.  I anticipate that I’ll try to have my problems worked out by about November 21, if not sooner… but that’s just a guess.

As part of this conversion I’m moving to a new email address.  I would post it here  but I understand that there is automated software that trolls the internet looking for email addresses to which spam can be sent.  However if you are a friend, send me an email to my old address, or post a message to my website and I’ll reply giving you my new email address.

I look forward to getting this site back up and running again with some new photos and hope you will return!