Catch Up

I’ll soon be making an effort to catch up on some of my photography processing as well as my blog site.  Look for some exciting photos from three trips I’ve made this spring!

In the meantime, the following are a couple of photos I’ve taken of female Rufous hummingbirds on torch plants located in the neighborhood.  While their main clientele seem to be hummingbirds, I’ve also seen House finches and possibly some other birds on the torch plants.

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The red elderberry are now producing berries that are ripening, and that means a variety of birds will be hanging around those bushes.  Just two days ago I saw American robins, European starlings and another species of bird in the elderberry bushes.  I expect that you’ll see some photographs of birds in the elderberries posted on this blog soon.

I’m going to close out this post with photos of a female Brown-headed cowbird, a Spotted towhee, a Chestnut-backed chickadee, another Spotted towhee and finally, a Red-breasted nuthatch.  I usually find the nuthatch difficult to photograph because it often won’t come to the water feature, but as of late we seem to have a family of them and they have been frequenting the water feature.

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