Banner Yard Day – Part 2!

This is a continuation of my last post… some of the non-warblers that I photographed on Friday, March 16.

Woodpecker, Downy  20140516-02

Tanager, Western  20140516-12 Waxwing, Cedar  20140516-05 Finch, House  20140516-06 Bushtit  20140516-02

And the big news here at the homestead is that a pair of crows are working tirelessly to build a nest right on the edge of our ‘yard’.  On 5/21 I took photos of some of the incoming crows with branches, twigs and what was apparently dried grass they had gathered, and they can carry a mouthful!  They have chosen a tight-knit group of young fir trees and are building the nest only a little over 20′ off the ground.  I can barely see the edge of the nest and now, at 5:35am, they are already working on the nest.

The nest will mean fouled bird baths for me… they dip food for the young in water, apparently to soften it and to provide moisture to the young crows.  It will be a nuisance trying to keep the bird baths clean, but it will also be interesting to watch the crows.  I wish we had a better view of the nest but almost every crows’ nest I’ve ever found has been well hidden to guard it from predators, chiefly ravens.  And just a few days ago I caught a glimpse of the crows chasing an accipiter from the yard.