Skagit Excursions

Last week I managed a couple of excursions around the area. I visited some of my usual haunts… March’s Point, the West-90, Fir Island and many areas in between. I was a little disappointed in the sharpness of my camera/lens on both days, but I got some of what I consider acceptable photos.

The highlight of the trips was when I was driving in the Bayview area and a Wilson’s snipe flew towards the car and dived into the roadside ditch almost beside me. Unfortunately there were no nearby parking places and I had difficulty shooting into the ditch from my vehicle, but I did get a few photos, this probably being the best.

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Wison’s Snipe

The low point of the trip was when I saw this female Mallard bobbing up and down about ten feet offshore at March’s Point. Something didn’t look right about its movement. Upon closer examination I discovered that it was a decoy!

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Female Mallard – decoy!

As for the rest of the photos…

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Song Sparrow

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Female Red-Winged Blackbird on a cattail stalk

Wren, Bewick's  20131204-03 20131204-02

Bewick’s Wren

Kinglet, Ruby-crowned  20131204-04 20131204-01

Ruby-Crowned Kinglet

This last photo of a Song sparrow on a dried yarrow head is one I consider more artistic than technically correct.

Sparrow, Song  20131204-06 20131204-03

Song Sparrow on dried yarrow head