Cap Sante Madrona Trees

This past week or so we’ve had good weather and I have spent considerable time focused (pun intended) on the madrona tree in the neighborhood.  It is still very full of berries and there are others on which the berries haven’t even ripened, so the subject matter seems like it will be around for awhile.  Mindful of the once-a-year opportunity, and grateful for the nice weather, I’ve continued taking photographs of the birds in and around the madrona trees.  They are a veritable bonanza, with many different species taking advantage of the food sources (berries and insects) that the tree provides.  It’s tedious… I have probably spent more than a dozen hours at my mobile post and if you think you are tired of seeing birds in the madrona tree, please appreciate the hundreds of photographs I am still culling and processing to obtain some good images.

That having been said, I would like to list some of the birds I’ve seen in and around the trees…

  • American robin
  • Northern flicker
  • Varied thrush
  • Chickadee, Black-capped and Chestnut-backed
  • Orange-crowned warbler
  • Dark-eyed junco, Oregon race
  • Cedar waxwing
  • Golden-crowned sparrow
  • Fox sparrow
  • Song sparrow
  • House sparrow
  • Spotted towhee
  • Kinglet, Ruby-crowned and Golden-crowned
  • Hermit thrush!

I may have left off a species or two, but I think you get the idea.  Keep in mind that some of the species I’ve listed are not berry/seed eaters and visit the tree for insects or just because other birds are present.  So now a few more photos…

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American Robin

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Northern Flicker

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Spotted Towhee

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Cedar waxwing

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Varied Thrush!

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Golden-crowned Sparrow

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Song Sparrow