Texas (April 30, 2018)

This was the last day of photography for my 2018 Spring birding visit.

What I hope is a Black-crested titmouse.  This species was split from the original Tufted titmouse species after I left Texas, so I’m not intimately familiar with the split.

A male Yellow warbler...

And finally, my good friend the male Summer tanager

And a female Summer tanager which proved to be either more elusive or not as frequent a visitor.

This concludes posts of the birds of Texas from my April, 2018 visit.  I’ve been accumulating some interesting photos from the Skagit Count area which I’ll probably publish next, then I’ll probably post photos from my June, 2018, visit to Eastern Washington.

Texas (April 29, 2018)

I’m beginning to run out of bird species I haven’t published for this trip, so some of these are going to be repeats of the same species but featuring different photos.  However, this post contains one of my favorite Texas species that I hadn’t seen previously on this trip.

Starting off with a photo of a male Northern cardinal

Another photo of a male Black-chinned hummingbird, with this photo showing a tiny bit of the blue on the bird’s gorget.  I had a very difficult time getting a photo of the bright gorget.

Another photo of an adult male Summer tanager, followed by a photo of a first-year male which has yet to achieve its full red color.

And finally, one of my favorite Texas birds… a White-eyed vireo.  I’m fascinated by the ‘expression’ on this species’ face!

Texas (April 28, 2018)

A male Brown-headed cowbird

Another Black and White warbler

A Ladder-backed woodpecker, a staple of the Live oaks in the Hill Country…


A female Summer tanager

And finally, a pair of wrens…

a Bewick’s wren, a species we have here in the Pacific Northwest,

and a Carolina wren, a species whose range extends northeast from Texas…

Texas (April 27, 2018)

I’m nearing the end of my Texas visit so the photos I’m posting from here on out will mostly be of species I’ve previously posted, just taken on different days and in somewhat different settings.

Starting off we have another male Painted bunting

And another pair of Northern cardinals

And anther photo of what I believe is a Swainson’s thrush

Two more photos of Nashville warblers

And finally, a photo of a male Black-chinned hummingbird