More Time in the Yard

I keep hoping for a spring migrant or two, but thus far it just isn’t happening. The one exception are the Rufous hummingbirds.  We have at least one male and probably 3-4 females.  And our male Anna’s hummingbird, presumably the one that overwintered with us, is still visiting the feeders but is difficult to photograph.  And he’s proven to be personal non grata to the Rufous hummingbirds.

Hummingbird, Rufous  20140402-07 Hummingbird, Rufous  20140402-04 DSC_3316

So no other new arrivals, but several birds will be leaving the yard soon.  This Golden-crowned sparrow, along with a couple of associates who overwintered in the yard, will soon be leaving us for more northern breeding grounds.  As you can see from the bird’s crown, the plumage is in a transitional stage and we probably won’t get to see the bird in its full breeding plumage.

Sparrow, Golden-crowned  20140402-03

Yesterday I found 2-3 sub-adult Bald eagles soaring over the Cap Sante viewpoint.  They were circling in the wind currents making them easy to photograph.


And finally, this is probably the best photo of an Eastern Gray squirrel I’ve ever taken.  I would have taken more but I only rented the squirrel for an hour and had to get it back to the taxidermist!

Squirrel, Eastern Gray  20140402-01