Methow Valley – 3

Here are a few more photos taken in the Methow Valley on June 13, 2013.

First up is a female Red-winged blackbird, a bird that looks nothing like its male mate.  In the non-breeding season the sexes usually separate into their own flocks, pairing off again in the early spring.

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Female Red-Winged Blackbird

A male Red-naped sapsucker removing cavity materials from an active nest…

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Two unidentified fly-catchers.  Some flycatchers are identifiable only by vocalizations, far beyond my capabilities!

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This, I believe, is a Warbling vireo…


And finally, another Cedar waxwing…

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This concludes photos from the Methow Valley.  My original intent was to return to yard birds I photographed immediately after returning from the trip east of the mountains, but I had a rather bountiful day in the yard yesterday (July 3) and I’ll probably publish some of those photos next.