Another Yard Day

On Sunday, 10/16/2016, we had blustery winds left over from the typhoon.  Under normal circumstances this would have discouraged birds from being in the yard but on this day we had lots of birds for an extended period of time.  Here are a few of them.

Despite, or maybe because of, the relative drought we experienced this past summer, the madrone trees are loaded with berries.  Yesterday we had American robins, House finches and Northern flickers partaking of the feast.


Pictured below is a female House finch eating the berries.  I noticed that the robins tend to swallow the berry whole while the smaller finches pick at the berries while still attached to the tree and eat them piecemeal.


I believe that we had at least three Yellow-rumped warblers that entered the yard.  They showed some interest in the watercourse but never came down to it for a drink or bath.  We only seem to get the Audubon race here… I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a Myrtle’s in our yard.



The bird below is an Orange-crowned warbler.  This one flew to the ground to catch an insect that it saw.

warbler-orange-crowned-20161016-07If you look closely at this photo you can see the insect in the bird’s mouth!


And finally, a Song sparrow that will presumably spend the winter with us.
